Elijah House schools offered by Healing Hearts
Lois Hochstatter, who has been part of Elijah House since 1990 and was the Director of Training at Elijah House (2000-2011) and has been a part of teams who have taught nationally and internationally, teaches the 201 and 202 schools. She is located in the Minnesota metro area.

Elijah House Schools
Elijah House was founded by John and Paula Sandford with the mandate to “restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:5-6). This school will help you discover scriptural answers to many questions we all have about life, God, others and ourselves. Have you ever wondered why we think, feel, speak and act the way we do? Jesus desires to bring us into wholeness through true change and breakthrough at the heart level. He wants to equip you with greater vision and hope for the future — to take you into a deeper, more exciting and fulfilling love relationship with Him. Most importantly, this school will prepare, empower, and release you into a new anointing to help others to find the same freedom in their lives. Each lesson you will gain understanding and be given principles of healing that will enable you to bring others into a transformed life. (Along the way, you will begin the healing process regarding issues in your own heart that you may not have known were there!) (Elijah House School Booklet)
Elijah House 201 Training Course
This school is designed to train you how to minister to family, friends, and anyone God may bring into contact who has a broken relationship with others or with God. The school lays the foundation of the sanctification and transformation (
The school entails 25 lessons and practical experience is gained through small group ministry. Student is provided with a study guide containing lesson notes, references and enrichment.
Elijah House 202 Training Course
This school's focus is more towards counseling issues in a person’s life. We look at specific problems such as emotional abuse, sexual issues, shame, depression, generational sin, etc.
The school entails 25 lessons and practical experience is gained through small group ministry. Student is provided with a study guide containing lesson notes, references and enrichment.
For more information regarding Minnesota Elijah House courses offered by Healing Hearts, including schedules & applications, please contact me directly.